Rawbiotics Kids Balance

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  • Regular price R 329.00

Rawbiotics 'Kids Balance' is a wonderful daily probiotic that provides beneficial bacteria, that facilitates children’s health and growth. The goal is to encourage a healthy microbiome, in other words; improve our children's ability to put their nutrition to good use and grow and maintain optimum health. 

This probiotic also includes the following selection of herbal extracts, which have been specially included in order to facilitate a calm nervous system, a healthy immune system and help our body to fight those pesky viruses that do the rounds! Herbs included: Peppermint; Lemon Balm; Elderberry and Chamomile

DOSAGE RECOMMENDATION: 1-6 years old: 5ml/day.  6 years old+: 15ml/day.
Newborns and Babies: It is recommended to begin with with 1ml per day and build up to 5ml per day. Rawbiotics can be taken at any time, with or without food.


  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Bifidobacterium animalis
  • B. bifidum
  • B. longum
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • L. casei
  • L. bulgaricus
  • L. fermentum
  • L. plantarum
  • Lactococcus lactis
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Streptococcus thermophilus   

STORAGE RECOMMENDATION: Do not refrigerate. Please do not shake.